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The Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs) are a group of India’s leading public research institutions. Each IISER has its own fee structure. It also varies depending on the academic program. All IISERs accept applications for the BS-MS dual degree programme, the integrated PhD programme, and the PhD programme. Some IISERs furthermore accept applications for MS/MSc programmes, which are relatively new. This blog discusses the fee structure of each IISER and the academic programmes it provides.


1. IISER Bhopal



Particulars  Amount  Total amount
  1. One-time fees 
[A] To be paid at the time of joining 
  • Admission fee
₹ 5,000
  • Alumni Fee 
₹ 1,000
  • Convocation cum Degree Fee
₹ 3,000
  • Hostel Allotment Fee 
₹ 2,000
  • Caution Money (Refundable on No Duest Completion) 1st Installment
₹ 10,000
Total One Time Fee Payable at the time of Joining ₹ 21,000 ₹ 21,000
[B] To be paid at the time of Second Semester Registration 
  • Caution Money (Refundable on No Duest Completion) 2nd Installment
₹ 10,000 ₹ 10,000
Total One Time Fee for BS-MS/BS  ₹ 31,000
  1. Semester Fee (To be paid every semester)
[A] Tuition Fees (Waived for SC/ST) ₹ 33,400 ₹ 33,400
[B] User charges/ fee
Semester Registration  ₹ 1,000
Examination Fee ₹ 2,000
Students Amenities (Sports facilities, SAC activities)  ₹ 4,000
Library Usages  ₹ 1,000
Laboratory and Computer Facilities  ₹ 1,000
Utility Charges (Electricity, Water, Hostel Maintenance) ₹ 6,000
Hostel Fee ₹ 3,000 ₹ 18,000
Total per semester fees ₹ 51,400
  1. Semester Fee (To be paid every semester) 
Compulsory Yearly Medical Insurance 

(Minimum Sum insured of One Lakh)

As Actual
Monthly Mess Charges As Actual
Total fees for 1 year (excluding one-time fees) ₹ 1,02,800
Gross Total fees for 5 years BS-MS  ₹ 5,45,000

(The above data is from IISER-B fee structure 2022-23)

  • For SC/ST candidates
    • Total fees for 1 year = ₹ 53,800
    • Gross total fees for 5 years = ₹ 2,69,000


Integrated PhD / PhD

  • One-time fee (1st semester only) – 15,000
  • Semester fee (to be paid every semester) – 
    • Tuition – 33,400
    • User charges/fee –  8,500
    • Hostel and dining facilities (for hostellers) – 6,000
  • One-time fee (To be paid at least one semester before the thesis submission) – 15,000
  • Other Miscellaneous Fee (To be paid directly to the service provider)


2. IISER Pune


  • Fees for Semester 1
Category  Gen/OBC/KM/EWS SC/ST/PD
Admission fee ₹ 3,000 ₹ 3,000
Hostel admission  ₹ 1,000 ₹ 1,000
Alumni fee ₹ 1,000 ₹ 1,000
Tuition fee ₹ 36,740 NIL
Sports  ₹ 1,000 ₹ 1,000
Lab and library facilities ₹ 2,000 ₹ 2,000
Examination fees and grade card ₹ 800 ₹ 800
Annual medical insurance premium As actual  As actual
Hostel fees ₹ 4,800 ₹ 4,800
Maintenance, electricity and water charges ₹ 3,000 ₹ 3,000
Caution deposits (Refundable)
Laboratory deposit ₹ 1,500 ₹ 1,500
Library deposits  ₹ 1,500 ₹ 1,500
Hostel deposits  ₹ 2,000 ₹ 2,000
TOTAL for Sem 1 ₹ 58,340 ₹ 21,600

The hostel fees and other miscellaneous fees are more or less same each semester, only tuition fees differ. Here is a brief breakdown of per-semester fees.

Semester  Gen/OBC/KM/EWS SC/ST/PD#
Semester 2 ₹ 40,000* ₹ 7500
Semester 3 ₹ 37,800 ₹ 7500
Semester 4 ₹ 40,000* ₹ 7500
Semester 5 ₹ 35,000 ₹ 7500
Semester 6 ₹ 40,000* ₹ 7500
Semester 7 ₹ 18,481 ₹ 7500
Semester 8 ₹ 40,000* ₹ 7500
Semester 9 ₹ 17,483 ₹ 7500
Semester 10 ₹ 40,000* ₹ 7500
*These are approximate costs as we couldn’t find the exact updated data for these semesters
#SC/ST/PD candidates have 100% waiver on tuition fees

(Please note that the above data is from IISER-P fee structure 2019, therefore there will be slight changes (increment) in the fees.)

Hence we can conclude-

Category  Time duration Amount
Gen/OBC/KM/EWS For 1 year in BS-MS dual degree program (approximately)  ₹ 80-90K
For a 5-year BS-MS dual degree program gross total becomes (approximately) ₹ 3.5-4 Lakhs
SC/ST/PD For 1 year in BS-MS dual degree program (approximately)  ₹ 20-25K
For a 5-year BS-MS dual degree program gross total becomes (approximately) ₹ 1-1.5 Lakhs


Disclaimer: The above costs are excluding food and mess charges.

Integrated PhD

  • Sem 1 – 69,540
  • Sem 3 – 42,400
  • Sem 5 – 33,300
  • Sem 7 – 21,542
  • Sem 9 – 20,956
  • Sem 11- 20,424
  • Sem 13 – 19,940


  • Sem 1 – 59,000
  • Sem 2 & 3 – 33,300
  • Sem 4 & 5 – 31,600
  • Sem 6 & 7 – 20,956
  • Sem 8 & 9 – 20,424
  • Sem 10 & 12 – 19,940


3. IISER Mohali



Fee type Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 3/5/7/9 (odd) Sem 4/6/8/10 (even)
Caution money
Institute  ₹ 1200
Library ₹ 1200
Hostel & Mess ₹ 2400
Yearly Fee
Statutory ₹ 1200 ₹ 1200
Medical ₹ 120 ₹ 120
Student Welfare ₹ 120 ₹ 120
Hostel Admission ₹ 600 ₹ 600
Health Insurance ₹ 590 ₹ 590
Semester Fee
Tuition Fee* ₹ 36,740 ₹ 36,740 ₹ 36,740 ₹ 36,740
Registration Fee ₹ 360 ₹ 360
Examination Fee ₹ 600 ₹ 600 ₹ 600 ₹ 600
Student Amenities ₹ 600 ₹ 600 ₹ 600 ₹ 600
Gym/sports ₹ 240 ₹ 240 ₹ 240 ₹ 240
Laboratory Contingency ₹ 480 ₹ 480 ₹ 480 ₹ 480
Hostel Seat Rent  ₹ 2400 ₹ 2400 ₹ 2400 ₹ 2400
Electricity & Water ₹ 600 ₹ 600 ₹ 600 ₹ 600
Medical Registration ₹ 120 ₹ 120
TOTAL ₹ 49,570 ₹ 41,660 ₹ 44,770 ₹ 41,660

(The above data is from IISER-M fee structure 2022-23)

*SC/ST/PD candidates are exempted from tuition fees i.e., 100% fee waiver

Note : Fee mentioned above does not include the mess charges

Therefore, we can conclude-

Category  Time duration Amount
Gen/OBC/KM/EWS For 1 year in BS-MS dual degree program (excluding caution money) ₹83,430
For a 5-year BS-MS dual degree program gross total becomes  ₹ 424,950
SC/ST/PD For 1 year in BS-MS dual degree program  (excluding caution money) ₹ 12,950
For a 5-year BS-MS dual degree program gross total becomes  ₹ 69,550

Integrated PhD 

  • Sem 1 – 49,570
  • Sem 2 – 41,660
  • Sem 3/5/7/9 – 44,770
  • Sem 4/6/8/10 – 41,660


  • Fees for Sem 1 – 34,710
  • Fees per semester – 26,920

4. IISER Kolkata



S.No. Particular  Amount
1. Tuition fee for GEN, EWS, OBC-NCL, KM per semester


₹ 36,740
2. Semester registration  ₹ 200
3. Student welfare and recreation fee (different for every semester) ₹ 500
4. Lab and computer facilities (different for every semester) ₹ 500
5. Examination fee & grade card ₹ 350
6. Hostel seat rent (different for every semester) ₹ 1500
7. Electricity and water charges (different for every semester) ₹ 500
8. Mess establishment  ₹ 5212
9. Students’ health insurance coverage (per year) ₹ 1500
Tentative fee for 1 semester ₹ 47,002
Tentative fees for 1 year ₹ 94,004
Tentative fees for 5 years (10 semesters) ₹ 4,70,020
10. One time payment at the time of admission  ₹ 3,200
11. Refundable deposit payable at the time of admission  ₹ 3,000
TOTAL FEE (tentatively) ₹ 4,76,220

Consolidated fees for 5-year BS-MS dual degree programme

Category  Total fees for 5 years 
GEN/EWS/OBC-NCL/KM ₹ 4,76,220
SC/ST/PD ₹ 1,08,820

(The above data is from IISER-K fee structure 2022)


Total fees to be paid including one-time and refundable amounts

= 35,912


5. IISER Thiruvananthapuram



Fee type Amount 
Registration  ₹ 250
Tuition fees* ₹ 33,400
Students friendship fund ₹ 180
Examination fee and grade card ₹ 425
Lab, library and computer facilities  ₹ 425
Amenity fee ₹ 425
Gym /sports ₹ 180
Students activities ₹ 500
Hostel rent ₹ 3,330
Electricity and water charges ₹ 670
Medical insurance fees  ₹ 600
TOTAL FEES per semester (GEN/EWS/OBC/KM) ₹ 40,385
TOTAL FEES per semester (SC/ST/PD) ₹ 6,985

(The above data is from IISER-TVM fee structure 2023)

SC/ST/PD candidates are exempted from tuition fees i.e., 100% fee waiver

Note: Fee mentioned above does not include the mess charges

Consolidated fees for 5-year BS-MS dual degree programme

Category  Total fees for 5 years 
GEN/EWS/OBC-NCL/KM ₹ 2,01,925
SC/ST/PD ₹ 34,925

Integrated PhD

Total fees to be paid including one-time and refundable amounts

= 41,165


Total fees to be paid including one-time and refundable amounts

= 39,115

6. IISER Tirupati



For Semester 1-

  • Fees for Semester 1
Category  Gen/OBC/KM/EWS SC/ST/PD
Admission fee
Registration  ₹ 1,000 ₹ 1,000
Medical examination ₹ 500 ₹ 500
Welfare fund ₹ 500 ₹ 500
Courses of study  ₹ 200 ₹ 200
Provisional certificates ₹ 100 ₹ 100
Alumni fee ₹ 500 ₹ 500
Semester registration ₹ 200 ₹ 200
Tuition fee* ₹ 40,330 NIL
Sports /gym ₹ 300 ₹ 300
Student amenities ₹ 500 ₹ 500
Examination fees and grade card ₹ 800 ₹ 800
Medical insurance payable As actual  As actual
Library usage ₹ 400 ₹ 400
Deposits (refundable)
Hostel  ₹ 2,000 ₹ 2,000
Library  ₹ 1,000 ₹ 1,000
Laboratory  ₹ 2,000 ₹ 2,000
Hostel admission  ₹ 500 ₹ 500
Semester hostel rent  ₹ 2,500 ₹ 2,500
Semester electricity & water charges ₹ 1,000 ₹ 1,000
TOTAL for Sem 1 ₹ 53,830 ₹ 13,500

*SC/ST/PD candidates have 100% waiver on tuition fees

The hostel fees and other miscellaneous fees are more or less same each semester, only tuition fees differ. Here is a brief breakdown of per-semester fees.

Semester  Gen/OBC/KM/EWS SC/ST/PD#
Semester 2 ₹ 45,532 ₹ 8,872
Semester 3 ₹ 42,863 ₹ 6200
Semester 4 ₹ 45,532 ₹ 8,872
Semester 5 ₹ 39,530 ₹ 6200
Semester 6 ₹ 42,202 ₹ 8,872
Semester 7 ₹ 36,450 ₹ 6200
Semester 8 ₹ 42,202 ₹ 8,872
Semester 9 ₹ 18,280 ₹ 6200
Semester 10 ₹ 41,172 ₹ 10,872

Consolidated fees for 5-year BS-MS dual degree programme

Category  Total fees for 5 years 
GEN/EWS/OBC-NCL/KM ₹ 3,62,061
SC/ST/PD ₹ 75,788

NOTE: Fee mentioned above does not include the mess charges


  • Sem 1 – 46,460
  • Sem 2- 29632
  • Sem 4 – 27422
  • Sem 5 – 24592
  • Sem 7,8 – 24592
  • Sem 9,10 – 22772
  • Sem 11,12 – 21072

Integrated PhD

  • Sem 4 – 45552
  • Sem 6 – 25392
  • Sem 8 – 24592
  • Sem 10 – 22772

Information for the remaining semesters was not given on the website


7. IISER Berhampur 



S.No. Semester Fees Amount 


Tuition fees* ₹ 33,400


User charges 

1. Semester registration 

₹ 1,000
2. Examination fee and grade card ₹ 2,000
3. Cultural activities (SAC) ₹ 1,000
4. Library usage  ₹ 1,000
5. Laboratory and computer facilities  ₹ 2,000
6. Student amenities  ₹ 2,000
7. gym/sports  ₹ 2,000
8. Hostel rent per semester  ₹ 3,000
9. Electricity, water and maintenance charges  ₹ 2,000
3.  TOTAL fees per semester (GEN/OBC/KM/EWS) ₹ 49,400
TOTAL fees per semester (SC/ST/PD) ₹ 16,000

*Tuition fee is waived for the students belonging to SC/ST/PD.

Therefore, we can conclude-

Category  Time duration Amount
Gen/OBC/KM/EWS For 1 year in BS-MS dual degree program (excluding caution money) ₹ 98,800
For a 5-year BS-MS dual degree program gross total becomes  ₹ 4,94,000
SC/ST/PD For 1 year in BS-MS dual degree program  (excluding caution money) ₹ 32,000
For a 5-year BS-MS dual degree program gross total becomes  ₹ 1,60,000

NOTE: Fee mentioned above does not include the mess charges


Total fees to be paid per semester including one-time and refundable amounts

= 30,000

Integrated PhD

Total fees to be paid per semester including one-time and refundable amounts

= 43,400



To summarize, it costs approximately Rs. 1 lakh per year to complete a year at IISER for candidates belonging to GEN/EWS/OBC/KM categories. These figures are lower for students from the SC/ST categories. All of the IISERs offer scholarships that can help students cover these expenses. We recommend that you read our other blog posts (especially if you are a research enthusiast!) to learn more about these scholarships and get your hands on exclusive IISER-related information.

3 thoughts on “FEES STRUCTURE IN IISERs”

  1. I belong to a lower class family and want to join IISER Kolkata. It would be very difficult for me to pay 1LPA. But I really love Mathematics and it’s my dream to be a Mathematician. Even I am unable to buy your courses. Please help 🙏

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